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Autor Thread - Seiten: > 1 <
09.10.2004, 09:07 Uhr

Hallo zusammen,

ich rufe derzeit ein Konsolenprogramm mit CreateProcess auf, das mehrere Parameter erwartet, unter anderem eine Datei. Das Programm kann diese Datei aber auch über Standardeingabe einlesen....

D.h. bis jetzt werfe ich ihm die Datei ins Filesystem und er liest diese Datei dann ein. Nun will ich den Umweg über die Datei weglassen, weil mir die Daten vor dem CreateProcess-Aufruf bereits als String vorliegen....

Gibt es jetzt die Möglichkeit, dem CreateProcess dieses Teil irgendwie "vor den Latz" zu knallen?

Mit CreatePipe irgendwie? Wenn von Euch da jemand was parat hätte, wäre toll!
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09.10.2004, 10:25 Uhr
Medialer Over-Flow

aus der msdn:


Creating a Child Process with Redirected Input and Output

The example in this topic demonstrates how to create a child process from a console process. It also demonstrates a technique for using anonymous pipes to redirect the child process's standard input and output handles. Note that named pipes can also be used to redirect process I/O.

The CreatePipe function uses the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure to create inheritable handles to the read and write ends of two pipes. The read end of one pipe serves as standard input for the child process, and the write end of the other pipe is the standard output for the child process. These pipe handles are specified in the SetStdHandle function, which makes them the standard handles inherited by the child process. After the child process is created, SetStdHandle is used again to restore the original standard handles for the parent process.

The parent process uses the other ends of the pipes to write to the child process's input and read the child process's output. The handles to these ends of the pipe are also inheritable. However, the handle must not be inherited. Before creating the child process, the parent process must use DuplicateHandle to create a duplicate of the application-defined hChildStdinWr global variable that cannot be inherited. It then uses CloseHandle to close the inheritable handle. For more information, see Pipes.

The following is the parent process.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>

#define BUFSIZE 4096

HANDLE hChildStdinRd, hChildStdinWr, hChildStdinWrDup,
   hChildStdoutRd, hChildStdoutWr, hChildStdoutRdDup,
   hInputFile, hSaveStdin, hSaveStdout;

BOOL CreateChildProcess(VOID);
VOID WriteToPipe(VOID);
VOID ReadFromPipe(VOID);

DWORD main(int argc, char *argv[])
   BOOL fSuccess;

// Set the bInheritHandle flag so pipe handles are inherited.

   saAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
   saAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
   saAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;

   // The steps for redirecting child process's STDOUT:
   //     1. Save current STDOUT, to be restored later.
   //     2. Create anonymous pipe to be STDOUT for child process.
   //     3. Set STDOUT of the parent process to be write handle to
   //        the pipe, so it is inherited by the child process.
   //     4. Create a noninheritable duplicate of the read handle and
   //        close the inheritable read handle.

// Save the handle to the current STDOUT.

   hSaveStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

// Create a pipe for the child process's STDOUT.

   if (! CreatePipe(&hChildStdoutRd, &hChildStdoutWr, &saAttr, 0))
      ErrorExit("Stdout pipe creation failed\n");

// Set a write handle to the pipe to be STDOUT.

   if (! SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, hChildStdoutWr))
      ErrorExit("Redirecting STDOUT failed");

// Create noninheritable read handle and close the inheritable read
// handle.

    fSuccess = DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hChildStdoutRd,
        GetCurrentProcess(), &hChildStdoutRdDup , 0,
    if( !fSuccess )
        ErrorExit("DuplicateHandle failed");

   // The steps for redirecting child process's STDIN:
   //     1.  Save current STDIN, to be restored later.
   //     2.  Create anonymous pipe to be STDIN for child process.
   //     3.  Set STDIN of the parent to be the read handle to the
   //         pipe, so it is inherited by the child process.
   //     4.  Create a noninheritable duplicate of the write handle,
   //         and close the inheritable write handle.

// Save the handle to the current STDIN.

   hSaveStdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);

// Create a pipe for the child process's STDIN.

   if (! CreatePipe(&hChildStdinRd, &hChildStdinWr, &saAttr, 0))
      ErrorExit("Stdin pipe creation failed\n");

// Set a read handle to the pipe to be STDIN.

   if (! SetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE, hChildStdinRd))
      ErrorExit("Redirecting Stdin failed");

// Duplicate the write handle to the pipe so it is not inherited.

   fSuccess = DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hChildStdinWr,
      GetCurrentProcess(), &hChildStdinWrDup, 0,
      FALSE,                  // not inherited
   if (! fSuccess)
      ErrorExit("DuplicateHandle failed");


// Now create the child process.
   fSuccess = CreateChildProcess();
   if (! fSuccess)
      ErrorExit("Create process failed");

// After process creation, restore the saved STDIN and STDOUT.

   if (! SetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE, hSaveStdin))
      ErrorExit("Re-redirecting Stdin failed\n");

   if (! SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, hSaveStdout))
      ErrorExit("Re-redirecting Stdout failed\n");

// Get a handle to the parent's input file.

   if (argc > 1)
      hInputFile = CreateFile(argv[1], GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL,
      hInputFile = hSaveStdin;

   if (hInputFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      ErrorExit("no input file\n");

// Write to pipe that is the standard input for a child process.


// Read from pipe that is the standard output for child process.


   return 0;

BOOL CreateChildProcess()
   STARTUPINFO siStartInfo;
   BOOL bFuncRetn = FALSE;

// Set up members of the PROCESS_INFORMATION structure.

   ZeroMemory( &piProcInfo, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION) );

// Set up members of the STARTUPINFO structure.

   ZeroMemory( &siStartInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFO) );
   siStartInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);

// Create the child process.
   bFuncRetn = CreateProcess(NULL,
      "child",       // command line
      NULL,          // process security attributes
      NULL,          // primary thread security attributes
      TRUE,          // handles are inherited
      0,             // creation flags
      NULL,          // use parent's environment
      NULL,          // use parent's current directory
      &siStartInfo,  // STARTUPINFO pointer
      &piProcInfo);  // receives PROCESS_INFORMATION
   if (bFuncRetn == 0) {
      ErrorExit("CreateProcess failed\n");
      return 0;
   } else {
      return bFuncRetn;

VOID WriteToPipe(VOID)
   DWORD dwRead, dwWritten;

// Read from a file and write its contents to a pipe.

   for (;;)
      if (! ReadFile(hInputFile, chBuf, BUFSIZE, &dwRead, NULL) ||
         dwRead == 0) break;
      if (! WriteFile(hChildStdinWrDup, chBuf, dwRead,
         &dwWritten, NULL)) break;

// Close the pipe handle so the child process stops reading.

   if (! CloseHandle(hChildStdinWrDup))
      ErrorExit("Close pipe failed\n");

VOID ReadFromPipe(VOID)
   DWORD dwRead, dwWritten;
   HANDLE hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

// Close the write end of the pipe before reading from the
// read end of the pipe.

   if (!CloseHandle(hChildStdoutWr))
      ErrorExit("Closing handle failed");

// Read output from the child process, and write to parent's STDOUT.

   for (;;)
      if( !ReadFile( hChildStdoutRdDup, chBuf, BUFSIZE, &dwRead,
         NULL) || dwRead == 0) break;
      if (! WriteFile(hSaveStdout, chBuf, dwRead, &dwWritten, NULL))

VOID ErrorExit (LPTSTR lpszMessage)
   fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", lpszMessage);

// The code for the child process.

#include <windows.h>
#define BUFSIZE 4096

   DWORD dwRead, dwWritten;
   HANDLE hStdin, hStdout;
   BOOL fSuccess;

   hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
   hStdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
   if ((hStdout == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ||
      (hStdin == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))

   for (;;)
   // Read from standard input.
      fSuccess = ReadFile(hStdin, chBuf, BUFSIZE, &dwRead, NULL);
      if (! fSuccess || dwRead == 0)

   // Write to standard output.
      fSuccess = WriteFile(hStdout, chBuf, dwRead, &dwWritten, NULL);
      if (! fSuccess)

class God : public ChuckNorris { };
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28.10.2004, 23:47 Uhr

Hi FloSoft,

vielen Dank! ich werde das probieren...


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