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Autor Thread - Seiten: > 1 <
21.12.2003, 17:17 Uhr


It has come to our attention that a few copies of the Texas Edition Of Windows '2000 may have accidentally been shipped outside of Texas.

If you have one of the Texas Editions, you may need some help understanding the commands. The Texas Edition may be recognized by looking at the opening screen. It reads "WINDERS '2000" with a background picture of the Alamo superimposed on the Texas Flag and it is shipped with a Leann Rimes screen saver.

1. NOTE: Recycle Bin is labeled "Outhouse"
2. My Computer is called "This Infernal Contraption"
3. Dialup Networking is called "Good ol' Boys"
4. Control Panel is known as the "Dashboard"
5. Hard Drive is referred to as "Wheel Drive"
6. Floppies are "Them Little Plastic Disc Thangs


Instead of an Error Message you get a Winder covered with a garbage bag and duct tape.

* TERMINOLOGY: 'Ats Awright = OK
* Heck No = Cancel
* Aw Shoot = Reset
* Shore = Yes
* Naaaw = No
* Hunt Fer It = Find
* Over Yonder = Go to
* Back Yonder = Back
* Hep = Help
* Ternit Off = Stop
* Crank 'er Up = Start
* Sittins = Settings
* Stuff At Does Stuff = Programs
* Stuff I Done Done = Documents

Also note Winders '2000 does not recognize capital letters or punctuation marks.

Spell check has been deactivated.

We regret any inconvenience it may have caused you if you received a copy of the Texas Edition.

Micrasoft User Support Staff
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-- Edsger Wybe Dijkstra
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