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Autor Thread - Seiten: > 1 < [ 2 ]
29.11.2003, 12:07 Uhr

Kann mir vieleicht jemand eine kleine Anleitung geben wie ich die Irrlicht engine in devcpp integriere? Ich denke zwar ich hab alles richtig gemacht aber der compiler spuckt lauter komische Fehler aus.

In file included from C:\PROGRA~1\IRRLICHT\INCLUDE\irrlicht.h:25,
                 from c:\irrlicht\examples\2~1.qua\main.cpp:10:
C:\PROGRA~1\IRRLICHT\INCLUDE\aabbox3d.h: In method `void irr::core::aabbox3d<T>::getEdges(irr::core::vector3d<T> *) const':
C:\PROGRA~1\IRRLICHT\INCLUDE\aabbox3d.h:211: unknown escape sequence `\P'
C:\PROGRA~1\IRRLICHT\INCLUDE\aabbox3d.h:211: unknown escape sequence `\I'
C:\PROGRA~1\IRRLICHT\INCLUDE\aabbox3d.h:211: unknown escape sequence `\I'
c:\irrlicht\examples\2~1.qua\main.cpp: In function `int main()':
c:\irrlicht\examples\2~1.qua\main.cpp:168: implicit declaration of function `int _snwprintf(...)'

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29.11.2003, 12:16 Uhr

1. Vermeide Doppelpost hier!
2. "int _snwprintf(...)" wird aufgerufen ohne, dass ein Prototyp dafür gefunden wurde. Das ist nicht so schlimm, wenn die Funktion eine int Funktion ist, aber wenn sie etwas anderes zurückliefert, wird das ein Problem sein.

Zeig lieber die Stellen vom Code, die das Problem verursachen.
A! Elbereth Gilthoniel!
silivren penna míriel
o menel aglar elenath,
Gilthoniel, A! Elbereth!
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29.11.2003, 12:28 Uhr

OK (bin immer noch der gleiche bürgi) tschuldigung für die Doppelpost.
Also es ist ziehmlich Code das ist nur die Datei aabbox3d.h wenn jemand den Rest sehen will [url]http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/downloads.html[/url].

// Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in Irrlicht.h


#include "irrMath.h"
#include "plane3d.h"
#include "line3d.h"

namespace irr
namespace core

//! Axis aligned bounding box in 3d dimensional space.
/** Has some useful methods used with occlusion culling or clipping.
template <class T>
class aabbox3d

        // Constructors

        aabbox3d(): MinEdge(-1,-1,-1), MaxEdge(1,1,1) {};
        aabbox3d(const vector3d<T>& min, const vector3d<T>& max): MinEdge(min), MaxEdge(max) {};
        aabbox3d(const vector3d<T>& init): MinEdge(init), MaxEdge(init) {};
        aabbox3d(T minx, T miny, T minz, T maxx, T maxy, T maxz): MinEdge(minx, miny, minz), MaxEdge(maxx, maxy, maxz) {};

        // operators

        inline bool operator==(const aabbox3d<T>& other) const { return (MinEdge == other.MinEdge && other.MaxEdge == MaxEdge);};
        inline bool operator!=(const aabbox3d<T>& other) const { return !(MinEdge == other.MinEdge && other.MaxEdge == MaxEdge);};

        // functions

        //! Adds a point to the bounding box, causing it to grow bigger,
        //! if point is outside of the box
        //! \param p: Point to add into the box.
        void addInternalPoint(const vector3d<T>& p)
            addInternalPoint(p.X, p.Y, p.Z);

        //! Adds an other bounding box to the bounding box, causing it to grow bigger,
        //! if the box is outside of the box
        //! \param b: Other bounding box to add into this box.
        void addInternalBox(const aabbox3d<T>& b)

        //! Resets the bounding box.
        void reset(T x, T y, T z)
            MinEdge = MaxEdge;

        //! Resets the bounding box.
        void reset(const vector3d<T>& initValue)
            MaxEdge = initValue;
            MinEdge = initValue;

        //! Adds a point to the bounding box, causing it to grow bigger,
        //! if point is outside of the box.
        //! \param x: X Coordinate of the point to add to this box.
        //! \param y: Y Coordinate of the point to add to this box.
        //! \param z: Z Coordinate of the point to add to this box.
        void addInternalPoint(T x, T y, T z)
            if (x>MaxEdge.X) MaxEdge.X = x;
            if (y>MaxEdge.Y) MaxEdge.Y = y;
            if (z>MaxEdge.Z) MaxEdge.Z = z;

            if (x<MinEdge.X) MinEdge.X = x;
            if (y<MinEdge.Y) MinEdge.Y = y;
            if (z<MinEdge.Z) MinEdge.Z = z;

        //! Determinates if a point is within this box.
        //! \param p: Point to check.
        //! \return Returns true if the point is withing the box, and false if it is not.
        bool isPointInside(const vector3d<T>& p) const
            return (    p.X >= MinEdge.X && p.X <= MaxEdge.X &&
                        p.Y >= MinEdge.Y && p.Y <= MaxEdge.Y &&
                        p.Z >= MinEdge.Z && p.Z <= MaxEdge.Z);

        //! Determinates if a point is within this box and its borders.
        //! \param p: Point to check.
        //! \return Returns true if the point is withing the box, and false if it is not.
        bool isPointTotalInside(const vector3d<T>& p) const
            return (    p.X > MinEdge.X && p.X < MaxEdge.X &&
                        p.Y > MinEdge.Y && p.Y < MaxEdge.Y &&
                        p.Z > MinEdge.Z && p.Z < MaxEdge.Z);

        //! Determinates if the box intersects with an other box.
        //! \param other: Other box to check a intersection with.
        //! \return Returns true if there is a intersection with the other box,
        //! otherwise false.
        bool intersectsWithBox(const aabbox3d<T>& other) const
            return (MinEdge <= other.MaxEdge && MaxEdge >= other.MinEdge);

        //! Tests if the box intersects with a line
        //! \param line: Line to test intersection with.
        //! \return Returns true if there is an intersection and false if not.
        bool intersectsWithLine(const line3d<T>& line) const
            return intersectsWithLine(line.getMiddle(), line.getVector().normalize(),
                    (T)(line.getLength() * 0.5));

        //! Tests if the box intersects with a line
        //! \return Returns true if there is an intersection and false if not.
        bool intersectsWithLine(const vector3d<T>& linemiddle,
                                const vector3d<T>& linevect,
                                T halflength) const
            const vector3d<T> e = (MaxEdge - MinEdge) * (T)0.5;
            const vector3d<T> t = (MinEdge + e) - linemiddle;
            float r;

            if ((fabs(t.X) > e.X + halflength * fabs(linevect.X)) ||
                (fabs(t.Y) > e.Y + halflength * fabs(linevect.Y)) ||
                (fabs(t.Z) > e.Z + halflength * fabs(linevect.Z)) )
                return false;

            r = e.Y * (T)fabs(linevect.Z) + e.Z * (T)fabs(linevect.Y);
            if (fabs(t.Y*linevect.Z - t.Z*linevect.Y) > r )
                return false;

            r = e.X * (T)fabs(linevect.Z) + e.Z * (T)fabs(linevect.X);
            if (fabs(t.Z*linevect.X - t.X*linevect.Z) > r )
                return false;

            r = e.X * (T)fabs(linevect.Y) + e.Y * (T)fabs(linevect.X);
            if (fabs(t.X*linevect.Y - t.Y*linevect.X) > r)
                return false;

            return true;

        //! Classifies a relation with a plane.
        //! \param plane: Plane to classify relation to.
        //! \return Returns ISREL3D_FRONT if the box is in front of the plane,
        //! ISREL3D_BACK if the box is back of the plane, and
        //! ISREL3D_CLIPPED if is on both sides of the plane.
        EIntersectionRelation3D classifyPlaneRelation(const plane3d<f32>& plane) const
            vector3d<T> nearPoint(MaxEdge);
            vector3d<T> farPoint(MinEdge);

            if (plane.Normal.X > (T)0)
                nearPoint.X = MinEdge.X;
                farPoint.X = MaxEdge.X;

            if (plane.Normal.Y > (T)0)
                nearPoint.Y = MinEdge.Y;
                farPoint.Y = MaxEdge.Y;

            if (plane.Normal.Z > (T)0)
                nearPoint.Z = MinEdge.Z;
                farPoint.Z = MaxEdge.Z;

            if (plane.Normal.dotProduct(nearPoint) + plane.D > (T)0)
                return ISREL3D_FRONT;

            if (plane.Normal.dotProduct(farPoint) + plane.D > (T)0)
                return ISREL3D_CLIPPED;

            return ISREL3D_BACK;

        //! returns center of the bounding box
        vector3d<T> getCenter() const
            return (MinEdge + MaxEdge) / 2;

        //! returns extend of the box
        vector3d<T> getExtend() const
            return MaxEdge - MinEdge;

        //! stores all 8 edges of the box into a array
        //! \param edges: Pointer to array of 8 edges
        void getEdges(vector3d<T> *edges) const
            core::vector3df middle = (MinEdge + MaxEdge) / 2;
            core::vector3df diag = middle - MaxEdge;

            Edges are stored in this way:
            Hey, am I an ascii artist, or what? :) niko.
                 /  |      / |
                /   |     /  |
                5---------7  |
                |   0- - -| -2
                |  /      |  /
                |/        | /

            edges[0].set(middle.X + diag.X, middle.Y + diag.Y, middle.Z + diag.Z);
            edges[1].set(middle.X + diag.X, middle.Y - diag.Y, middle.Z + diag.Z);
            edges[2].set(middle.X + diag.X, middle.Y + diag.Y, middle.Z - diag.Z);
            edges[3].set(middle.X + diag.X, middle.Y - diag.Y, middle.Z - diag.Z);
            edges[4].set(middle.X - diag.X, middle.Y + diag.Y, middle.Z + diag.Z);
            edges[5].set(middle.X - diag.X, middle.Y - diag.Y, middle.Z + diag.Z);
            edges[6].set(middle.X - diag.X, middle.Y + diag.Y, middle.Z - diag.Z);
            edges[7].set(middle.X - diag.X, middle.Y - diag.Y, middle.Z - diag.Z);

        //! returns if the box is empty, which means that there is
        //! no space within the min and the max edge.
        bool isEmpty() const
            core::vector3df d = MinEdge - MaxEdge;
            if (d.X < 0) d.X = -d.X;
            if (d.Y < 0) d.Y = -d.Y;
            if (d.Z < 0) d.Z = -d.Z;

            return (d.X < ROUNDING_ERROR &&
                    d.Y < ROUNDING_ERROR &&
                    d.Z < ROUNDING_ERROR);

        //! repairs the box, if for example MinEdge and MaxEdge are swapped.
        void repair()
            T t;

            if (MinEdge.X > MaxEdge.X)
                { t=MinEdge.X; MinEdge.X = MaxEdge.X; MaxEdge.X=t; }
            if (MinEdge.Y > MaxEdge.Y)
                { t=MinEdge.Y; MinEdge.Y = MaxEdge.Y; MaxEdge.Y=t; }
            if (MinEdge.Z > MaxEdge.Z)
                { t=MinEdge.Z; MinEdge.Z = MaxEdge.Z; MaxEdge.Z=t; }

        //! Calculates a new interpolated bounding box.
        //! \param other: other box to interpolate between
        //! \param d: value between 0.0f and 1.0f.
        aabbox3d<T> getInterpolated(const aabbox3d<T>& other, f32 d) const
            f32 inv = 1.0f - d;
            return aabbox3d<T>((other.MinEdge*inv) + (MinEdge*d),
                (other.MaxEdge*inv) + (MaxEdge*d));

        // member variables
        vector3d<T> MinEdge;
        vector3d<T> MaxEdge;

} // end namespace core
} // end namespace irr


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29.11.2003, 12:36 Uhr

Soll das ein Witz sein? Ich meinte nur die Stellen, die den Fehler verurschat hat, nicht die ganzen Sourcen bzw. die ganze Header Datei. Oder glaubt du wie sind Compilers
A! Elbereth Gilthoniel!
silivren penna míriel
o menel aglar elenath,
Gilthoniel, A! Elbereth!
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29.11.2003, 12:45 Uhr

Die Stelle kann ich dir schon sagen aber ich find den Fehler nicht, drum dacht ich auch eigentlich, dass ich irgendwas am compiler falsch gemacht hab. hier die Stelle:

        //! stores all 8 edges of the box into a array
        //! \param edges: Pointer to array of 8 edges
        void getEdges(vector3d<T> *edges) const
            core::vector3df middle = (MinEdge + MaxEdge) / 2;
            core::vector3df diag = middle - MaxEdge;
//HIER IST DER FEHLER(nach compiler output)
            edges[0].set(middle.X + diag.X, middle.Y + diag.Y, middle.Z + diag.Z);
            edges[1].set(middle.X + diag.X, middle.Y - diag.Y, middle.Z + diag.Z);
            edges[2].set(middle.X + diag.X, middle.Y + diag.Y, middle.Z - diag.Z);
            edges[3].set(middle.X + diag.X, middle.Y - diag.Y, middle.Z - diag.Z);
            edges[4].set(middle.X - diag.X, middle.Y + diag.Y, middle.Z + diag.Z);
            edges[5].set(middle.X - diag.X, middle.Y - diag.Y, middle.Z + diag.Z);
            edges[6].set(middle.X - diag.X, middle.Y + diag.Y, middle.Z - diag.Z);
            edges[7].set(middle.X - diag.X, middle.Y - diag.Y, middle.Z - diag.Z);

Dieser Post wurde am 29.11.2003 um 12:48 Uhr von Pablo Yanez Trujillo editiert.
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29.11.2003, 12:51 Uhr

? In deinem ersten Post steht: " unknown escape sequence `\P'", da finde ich aber keine \P escape Sekuenzen. Ich finde da ich keinen Fehler.
A! Elbereth Gilthoniel!
silivren penna míriel
o menel aglar elenath,
Gilthoniel, A! Elbereth!
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29.11.2003, 13:09 Uhr

Eben das ist ja mein Problem ich hab alle includes durchsucht, nirgens ein '\P' oder erin '\I'. Ich weiß nicht was ich falsch mache. im vc++ gehts, im devcpp nicht obwohl das ein beispiel ist das dabei war. Trotzdem danke ich versuch selbst weiter zu kommen.
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29.11.2003, 13:12 Uhr

tut mir leid, ich hab da keine Ahnung. Vielleicht erknnet der Fehler jemanden anders. Am Samstag sind oft die Leute weg, könnte sien, dass du späer eine Antwort kriegst
A! Elbereth Gilthoniel!
silivren penna míriel
o menel aglar elenath,
Gilthoniel, A! Elbereth!
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29.11.2003, 13:12 Uhr
Der wo fast so viele Posts wie FloSoft...


im vc++ gehts

Ich sachs ja der vc++ ist geil...
...fleißig wie zwei Weißbrote

Dieser Post wurde am 29.11.2003 um 13:12 Uhr von Windalf editiert.
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29.11.2003, 13:15 Uhr

ich bin aber ein microsofthasser obwohl ich windows benutze.
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