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Autor Thread - Seiten: > 1 <
10.06.2003, 14:22 Uhr

hallo leute!
hab folgendes gefunden. kann mir jmd die 2 shellscripte erklären? eignen die sich für mein vorhaben?

will von linuxclientseite meinem linuxserver was schicken. der server soll des nicht wie bisher per software zurückschleifen, sondern der kernel soll des irgendwie zurückschleifen...

7.6.1. A tunneled network configuration.
192.168.1/24 192.168.2/24
- -
| ppp0 = ppp0 = |
| aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd fff.ggg.hhh.iii |
| |
| /-----\ /-----\ |
| | | // | | |
|---| A |------//---------| B |---|
| | | // | | |
| \-----/ \-----/ |
| |
- -

The diagram illustrates another possible reason to use IPIP encapsulation; virtual private networking. This example presupposes that you have two machines, each with a simple dial up Internet connection. Each host is allocated just a single IP address. Behind each of these machines are some private local area networks. These LANs are configured with reserved IP network addresses. Suppose that you want to allow any host on network A to connect to any host on network B (just as if they were properly connected to the Internet with a network route). IPIP encapsulation will allow you to do this configuration. Note: encapsulation does not solve the problem of how you get the hosts on networks A and B to talk to any other on the Internet. You will still need to use tricks like IP Masquerade. Encapsulation is normally performed by machines functioning as routers.

Linux router `A' would be configured with a script like the following:

    # Ethernet configuration
    ifconfig eth0 netmask $mask up
    route add -net netmask $mask eth0
    # ppp0 configuration (start ppp link, set default route)
    route add default ppp0
    # Tunnel device configuration
    ifconfig tunl0 up
    route add -net netmask $mask gw $remotegw tunl0

Linux router `B' would be configured with a similar script:

    # Ethernet configuration
    ifconfig eth0 netmask $mask up
    route add -net netmask $mask eth0
    # ppp0 configuration (start ppp link, set default route)
    route add default ppp0
    # Tunnel device configuration
    ifconfig tunl0 up
    route add -net netmask $mask gw $remotegw tunl0

The command:

route add -net netmask $mask gw $remotegw tunl0

reads: `Send any datagrams destined for inside an IPIP encap datagram with a destination address of aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd'.

Note that the configurations are reciprocated at either end. The tunnel device uses the `gw' in the route as the destination of the IP datagram (where it will place the datagram it has received to route). That machine must know how to decapsulate IPIP datagrams. In other words, it must also be configured with a tunnel device.

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