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Autor Thread - Seiten: > 1 <
18.08.2006, 19:39 Uhr
~hui buh

gibt es eine einfach art den Platz im Hauptspeicher ausgeben zu lassen?
Ich bräuchte sowas um zwischen zwei methoden zu switchen - falls nur noch so und so viel platz da ist nimm die langsamere aber die speichereffizientere....

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18.08.2006, 19:44 Uhr

Schau dir mal den src von top an:

Musst aber aufpassen ob das portabel is
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18.08.2006, 23:32 Uhr
Perl Crack ala Carte

Nimm dazu sys/sysinfo.h,ist aufallen Unixen vorhanden. Hier mal eine kleine Anwendung (die Klasse kannst natürlich verwenden),die ich vor ewigkeiten mal geschrieben hab

#include <iostream>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
#include <getopt.h>
using namespace std;

namespace Info {
    struct sysinfo_error {
        string method;
        sysinfo_error(string thrown) {
            method = thrown;

    class systeminfo {
            struct sysinfo info;
            void systeminfo::uptime(string param = "format") {
                if(sysinfo(&info) == 0) {
                    long up = info.uptime;
                    long sec = up % 60;
                    long min = up / 60 % 60;
                    long hour = up / 60 / 60 / 60 % 24;
                    long day = up / 60 / 60 / 24 % 86400;
                    if(param == "time") cout << up << endl;
                    if(param == "sec") cout << sec << endl;;
                    if(param == "min") cout << min << endl;
                    if(param == "hour") cout << hour << endl;
                    if(param == "day") cout << day << endl;
                    if(param == "format")     cout     << day << " days  "
                                    << hour << " hours  "
                                    << min << " minutes  "
                                    << sec << " seconds"
                                << endl;
                    throw Info::sysinfo_error("uptime");
            void systeminfo::totalram() {
                if(sysinfo(&info) == 0)    {
                    unsigned long totalram = info.totalram;
                    changesize( totalram );
                    cout << endl;
                } else
                    throw Info::sysinfo_error("totalram");
            void systeminfo::freeram() {
                if(sysinfo(&info) == 0)    {
                    unsigned long freeram = info.freeram;
                    changesize( freeram );
                    cout << endl;
                } else
                    throw Info::sysinfo_error("freeram");
            void systeminfo::bufferram() {
                if(sysinfo(&info) == 0)    {
                    unsigned long bufferram = info.bufferram;
                    changesize( bufferram );
                    cout << endl;
                } else
                    throw Info::sysinfo_error("bufferram");
            void systeminfo::sharedram() {
                if(sysinfo(&info) == 0)    {
                    unsigned long sharedram = info.sharedram;
                    changesize( sharedram );
                    cout << endl;
                } else
                    throw Info::sysinfo_error("shareram");
            void systeminfo::totalswap() {
                if(sysinfo(&info) == 0)    {
                    unsigned long totalswap = info.totalswap;
                    changesize( totalswap );
                    cout << endl;
                } else
                    throw Info::sysinfo_error("totalswap");
            void systeminfo::freeswap() {
                if(sysinfo(&info) == 0)    {
                    unsigned long freeswap = info.freeswap;
                    changesize( freeswap );
                    cout << endl;
                } else
                    throw Info::sysinfo_error("freeswap");
            void systeminfo::procs() {
                if(sysinfo(&info) == 0)    {
                    unsigned short procs = info.procs;
                    cout << " " << procs << endl;
                } else
                    throw Info::sysinfo_error("procs");
            void systeminfo::load() {
                if(sysinfo(&info) == 0)    {
                    cout << info.loads[0] << ",  " << info.loads[1] << ",  " << info.loads[2] << endl;
                } else
                    throw Info::sysinfo_error("loads");
            void systeminfo::help(string name) {
                cout << "Usage: "<< name << "\t[-h] for this help message" << endl;
                cout << "\t\t\t[-s] for swap information" << endl;
                cout << "\t\t\t[-r] for RAM information" << endl;
                cout << "\t\t\t[-p] for your currently uptime" << endl;
                cout << "\t\t\t[-p] for the number of the current running processes" << endl;
                cout << "\t\t\t[-l] shows the load average for the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes" << endl;
                cout << "\t\t\t[-a] for the whole information" << endl;
            void changesize(unsigned long ram) {
                if(ram < 1024)
                    cout     << ram << " bytes";
                else if(ram > 1024 && ram < 1048576)
                    cout     << ram / 1024 << " kb";
                else if(ram > 1048576 && ram < 1073741824)
                    cout     << ram / 1048576 << ","
                               << (ram % 1048576) / 1024 << " mb";
                else if(ram > 1073741824)
                    cout     << ram / 1073741824 << ","
                        << (ram % 1073741824) / 1048576 << " gb";

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    Info::systeminfo* info = new Info::systeminfo;
    try {
        int option, akt_optind, option_index = 0;
        struct option long_options[] = {
            { "help",    0,    0,    0 },
            { "swap",    0,    0,    0 },
            { "ram",    0,    0,    0 },
            { "uptime",    0,    0,    0 },
            { "proc",    0,    0,    0 },
            { "load",    0,    0,    0 },
            { "all",    0,    0,    0 },
        while(1) {
            option = getopt_long(     argc,
            if(option == EOF) break;
            switch( option ) {
                case 'h':
                    info->help( argv[0] );
                case 'r':
                    cout << "total RAM:       "; info->totalram();
                    cout << "free RAM:      "; info->freeram();
                    cout << "buffered RAM:      "; info->bufferram();
                    cout << "shared RAM:      "; info->sharedram();
                case 's':
                    cout << "total SWAP:      "; info->totalswap();
                    cout << "free SWAP:      "; info->freeswap();
                case 'u':
                    cout << "Uptime:       "; info->uptime();
                case 'l':
                    cout << "Load average:      "; info->load();
                case 'p':
                    cout << "Running process: "; info->procs();
                case 'a':
                    cout << "Uptime:       "; info->uptime();
                    cout << "total RAM:       "; info->totalram();
                    cout << "free RAM:      "; info->freeram();
                    cout << "buffered RAM:      "; info->bufferram();
                    cout << "shared RAM:      "; info->sharedram();
                    cout << "total SWAP:      "; info->totalswap();
                    cout << "free SWAP:      "; info->freeswap();
                    cout << "Load average:      "; info->load();
                    cout << "Running process: "; info->procs();
    } catch(Info::sysinfo_error err) {
        cerr << "Error in method " << err.method << " !" << endl;
    return 0;

perl -Mstrict -Mwarnings -e 'package blub; sub new { bless {} } sub bar {my $self=shift; $self->{bla}="66756e2d736f66742e6465"; return $self->{bla};} my $foo=blub->new();print "Hallo ";print pack("H*",$foo->bar()); print "\n"'
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