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13.03.2006, 18:19 Uhr

Hi, I have a problem.

In directory hi I have files fl.h and fl.cc. In file fl.h I have only the line:
int GetFlow (char* file );

In file fl.c I have defined the function:
int GetFlow (char* file )

Then I used
gcc -c fl.c
ar rc libflow.a fl.o

to generate the library.

In another file mm.c I have

#include "hi_pr.h"


void run(){
char* file = "output_flow.txt";


return 0;

I can get the objective: mm.o, but if I compile:
g++ -o static -I../hi/flow mm.o ../hi/libflow.a -ldl

I got the following error message:

MaxFlow.o(.text+0xc03): In function `MaxFlow::run_flow()':
/zhanglijun/svn/personal/papers/weak_simulation_implementation/simulation/MaxFlow.cc:378: undefined reference to `GetFlow(char*)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [flow_static] Error 1

can somebody give me some suggestions where is wrong?

thank you!
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13.03.2006, 18:42 Uhr

From what I can tell,

g++ -o static -ldl -lflow -L../hi mm.o

is what you want. This produces a binary called "static" linked against libdl.a and libflow.a (and the standard libraries) and searches ../hi for those libraries (and the default paths). Unless ../hi is known to the linker, you will also have to specify that directory when you run the binary, ie

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../hi ./static

Einfachheit ist Voraussetzung für Zuverlässigkeit.
-- Edsger Wybe Dijkstra
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13.03.2006, 21:23 Uhr

Hi, thank you for your anser. But this still does't solve my problem.

I think

g++ -o static -I../hi/flow mm.o ../hi/libflow.a -ldl


Zitat von 0xdeadbeef:
From what I can tell,

g++ -o static -ldl -lflow -L../hi mm.o

are the same. After the try, I got the same error message.
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13.03.2006, 22:11 Uhr
Medialer Over-Flow

perhaps the "GetFlow"-functions is removed in the optimizing step?
class God : public ChuckNorris { };
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13.03.2006, 22:44 Uhr
Sexiest Bit alive

Maybe you should ensure that GetFlow is exported with C linkage:
Place in the header

extern "C" {

int GetFlow (char* file ):

... other symbols to export from .c files ...

or so.

Mixing C and C++ means to specify the correct linkage when declaring functions:
C++ linkage uses "mangled names" - when generating the library symbols it uses the function name plus some characters describing which parameters are passed to the function. In opposite to that C uses just the plain function name. This is because in C++ the linker must be able to distinguish functions by their signatures, not just names.
Gruß, virtual
Quote of the Month
Ich eß' nur was ein Gesicht hat (Creme 21)
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13.03.2006, 23:06 Uhr
Medialer Over-Flow

i'll move that to linux now
class God : public ChuckNorris { };
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14.03.2006, 14:41 Uhr

after I include the:

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

int GetFlow (char* file );

#ifdef __cplusplus

it works now! Thank you!!

Zitat von virtual:
Maybe you should ensure that GetFlow is exported with C linkage:
Place in the header

extern "C" {

int GetFlow (char* file ):

... other symbols to export from .c files ...

or so.

Mixing C and C++ means to specify the correct linkage when declaring functions:
C++ linkage uses "mangled names" - when generating the library symbols it uses the function name plus some characters describing which parameters are passed to the function. In opposite to that C uses just the plain function name. This is because in C++ the linker must be able to distinguish functions by their signatures, not just names.

Dieser Post wurde am 14.03.2006 um 14:41 Uhr von daxiaoaixad editiert.
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