13.11.2005, 11:33 Uhr
Hi guys, I did this program, its BST, its a homework, but I got some error, could anyone look at it? thx a lot
What’s wrong: - I compiled program, then I did press 0 (inicialization), then 1 (insert data) - I put some data there (that’s fine) - I tried preorder, inorder and postorder traversal and it’s writing, Bin. tree is empty! + data - (for example: Data: 23, 45, 56, 78, 90) Preorder traversal: 23 Bin. tree is empty! 45 Bin. tree is empty! 56 Bin. tree is empty! 78 Bin. tree is empty! 90 Bin. tree is empty! Bin. tree is empty!
I tried delete node even whole tree, but there are some errors!!
C++: |
#include "iostream" #include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "process.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h"
using namespace std;
typedef int tStr;
struct uzel{ int item; struct uzel *right; struct uzel *left; };
typedef struct uzel *BST; typedef struct uzel uzel;
bool Empty(BST t){ if(t!=NULL){ return false; } else return true; }
BST Initialize(BST t){ t=NULL; return t; }
BST DeleteTree(BST t){ if(t!=NULL) { DeleteTree(t->left); DeleteTree(t->right); free(t); } else { cout<<"Bin. tree is empty !"<<endl; } return NULL; }
BST Search(BST t, int x){ if(t==NULL){ cout<<"Bin. tree is empty!"<<endl; return NULL; } if(x < t->item){ return Search(t->left,x); } else{ if(x > t->item){ return Search(t->right,x); } else return t; } }
BST Insert(BST t, int x){ if(t==NULL) { t=(struct uzel*) malloc(sizeof(struct uzel)); t->item = x; t->left = t->right = NULL; return t; }
if(t->item >= x) { t->left = Insert(t->left, x); return t; } else{ t->right = Insert(t->right,x); return t; } }
BST findmin(BST t){ if(t == NULL){ return NULL; } else{ if(t->left == NULL){ return t; } else{ return findmin(t->left); } } }
BST findmax(BST t){ if(t==NULL){ return NULL; } else{ if(t->right == NULL){ return t; } else{ return findmax(t->right); } } }
BST Delete(BST t, int x){ BST tmpCell;
if(t == NULL){ cout<<"Cannot delete, bin. tree is empty !"<<endl; return NULL; }
else{ if(x < t->item){ t->left = Delete(t->left,x); } else{ if(x > t->item){ t->right = Delete(t->right,x); } else{ if(t->right && t->left){ tmpCell = findmin(t->right); t->item= tmpCell->item; t->right = Delete(t->right, tmpCell->item); } else{ tmpCell = t; if(t->left == NULL){ t = t->right; } else if(t->right == NULL){ t = t->left; } } } }
free(tmpCell); cout<<"Value was deleted."<<endl; }
return t;
void Preorder(BST t){
if (t!=NULL){ cout<<t->item<<endl; Preorder(t->left); Preorder(t->right); } else{ cout<<"Bin. tree is empty !"<<endl; }
void Inorder(BST t){
if (t!=NULL){ Inorder(t->left); cout<< t->item <<endl; Inorder(t->right); } else{ cout<<"Bin. tree is empty !"<<endl; }
void Postorder(BST t){
if (t!=NULL){ Postorder(t->left); Postorder(t->right); cout<<t->item<<endl; } else{ cout<<"Bin tree is empty !"<<endl; }
tStr getData(void){ cout << "Get data: "; tStr data; cin >> data; return data; } /* void VypisSeznam(BST t){
tStr data;
cout << "Obsah seznamu:"; if (Empty(t)==true){ cout<<" NULL"<<endl; } else{ data = t->item; cout << data << ", "; } } */ void Menu(void)//vypis menu { cout << "\nGet number 0-7: \n\n"; cout << "0: Inicialize\n"; cout << "1: Insert\n"; cout << "2: Search\n"; cout << "3: Preorder\n"; cout << "4: Inorder\n"; cout << "5: Postorder\n"; cout << "6: Delete\n"; cout << "7: Delete tree\n"; cout << "M: Menu\n"; cout << "E: End\n"; }
int main(){ Menu();
char znak; BST strom; //tStr data;
do { cout << "\n\nGet char!"; cin >> znak; switch (toupper(znak)) { case '0' : cout << "Inicialize - Initialization\n"; strom = Initialize(strom); //VypisSeznam(strom); break; case '1' : cout << "Insert - insert a new node\n"; strom = Insert(strom, getData()); //VypisSeznam(strom); break; case '2' : cout << "Search - search node\n"; Search(strom, getData()); cout<<strom<<endl; break; case '3' : cout << "Preorder - preorder traversal\n"; Preorder(strom); break; case '4' : cout << "Inorder - inorder traversal\n"; Inorder(strom); break; case '5' : cout << "Postorder - postorder traversal\n"; Postorder(strom); break; case '6' : cout << "Delete - delete node\n"; Delete(strom, getData()); break; case '7' : cout << "Delete Tree - delete tree\n"; DeleteTree(strom); break; case 'M' : Menu(); break; case 'E' : break; default : cout << "You get a wrong char!!!\n"; } } while (toupper(znak) != 'E');
return 0; }
Dieser Post wurde am 13.11.2005 um 12:33 Uhr von Uwe editiert. |