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Autor Thread - Seiten: > 1 <
18.03.2005, 15:49 Uhr

i used code

if(buf[0] == sing)
   printf("Program quit \n");

in fedora 2.0 , it run well
but DSL linux is not execution

i went my linux machine to be controled by program

i have no idea, any one tell me any other solve. please

Bearbeitung von Pablo:

Please use cpp tags by yourself

Dieser Post wurde am 18.03.2005 um 17:31 Uhr von Pablo editiert.
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18.03.2005, 16:09 Uhr
Medialer Over-Flow

Hi Mousemax, how do you defined/declared "sing" and "buf"? Normally you can't compare strings directly with =, you have to use strcmp,

for example:

char buffer[512];
cin >> buffer; // read from user

if(buffer == "quit") // wrong, does not work

if(strcmp(buffer,"quit") == 0) // ok, this works!
  cout <<"Bye Bye" << endl;

class God : public ChuckNorris { };
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