Zeig Doch einfach mal her, was Ihr bis jetzt versucht habt. -- Konfuzius says: "A man who goes to bed with an itchy asshole is a man who wakes up with stinky finger!"
void main() { getInput(); cout<<"U heeft volgende zet gedaan: "<<endl; }
char *getInput() { char *string = newchar[100]; unsignedlongint start = GetTickCount(); int x = 0; while ((GetTickCount() - start) / 1000.0 < 15 && (x == 0 || string[x-1] != 13)) { if (kbhit()) //int kbhit() => which returns true if any character has been typed on the keyboard since it was read last. Since your simulator will need to continually calculate the position of the lift, it must not block (ie suspend execution waiting for some event) waiting for a key to be pressed. { string[x] = getch(); cout << string[x]; cout.flush(); x++; } }