11.09.2010, 17:24 Uhr
Hello Manfred-BW , I know this is an old subject, but i just thought of a linear solution: this solves a general dreiertable in an general matrix. the approach is to hash the dreiertable then just linear scan for pattern. fun problem !
HTH labman
' matrix problem, different approach, by lb / labman ' not optimized for clarity ' written in gfabasic32, see http://sites.google.com/site/gfabasic322/
Global dreiermaks = 8 'highest number in dreiertable Local mx = 20 'matrix width Local my = 20 'matrix height Local matrixmaks = 15 'highest number in matrix ( must be bigger than mx!)
matrixmaks = Max(mx, matrixmaks)
Global Dim entry(dreiermaks ^ 3) As Boolean 'this holds all used kombinations of the dreiertable Global Dim matr(mx, my)
Randomize 100
dreier(dreiermaks) matrixgen(mx, my, matrixmaks) ' width, height to pattern search
Print "# of matches:"; findpattern(mx, my)
Proc dreier(dmaks) Local a, b, c, slotindex For a = 1 To dmaks For b = a + 1 To dmaks For c = b + 1 To dmaks Print a; b; c slotindex = a * dreiermaks * dreiermaks + b * dreiermaks + c entry(slotindex) = True Next c Next b Next a Proc matrixgen(mx, my, mmaks) Dim picktable(mmaks) Local x, y, mark, num For y = 1 To my ' produce some uniqe numbers for each row ' mark mx * tableentries by random mark = 1 Repeat num = Random(mmaks) + 1 If picktable(num) = 0 picktable(num) = 1 Inc mark EndIf Until mark > mx Debug mark ' fill matrix row with sorted numbers x = 0 For mark = 1 To mmaks If picktable(mark) Inc x matr(x, y) = mark Print AT(10 + x * 3, y); mark EndIf Next mark Debug x; ArrayFill picktable(), 0 Next y EndProc
Function findpattern(mx, my) Local x, y, key, found For y = 1 To my For x = 1 To mx - 4 If matr(x, y) < dreiermaks And matr(x + 1, y) < dreiermaks And matr(x + 2, y) < dreiermaks key = matr(x, y) * 36 + matr(x + 1, y) * 6 + matr(x + 2, y) If entry(key) Inc found EndIf EndIf Next x Next y Return found EndFunc |